Creepy Cove Community Church Podcast
Creepy Cove Community Church Podcast
S2 Ep8 Doubt (Part Three) - The Dark Night of the Soul (feat Boris Karloff + Flora Wingrave from The Haunting of Bly Manor)
Doubt (Part Three) - "The Dark Night of the Soul"
Full Service featuring Boris Karloff + Flora Wingrave from The Haunting of Bly Manor
Season Two - Episode Eight
Rupert kicks off tonight's service by blatantly asking people to consider signing up to our Patreon program? Pushy? Perhaps...but he explains how we simply cannot provide these Creepy Cove services for free without our lovely Patrons...we have 29 so far. Can you help us reach our first milestone of 50? Click here to find out all the extras you get...and remember you can cancel at any time.
After that, Rupert welcomes local horror icon and toilet fitter, Boris Karloff to the stage. He talks about the amazing renovation he has generously provided for the church latrines...but are his intentions entirely benevolent?
Once Boris has strolled back to his seat, it's over to little Flora Wingrave who reads our Bible verse for the week. But will she do a 'perfectly splendid' job of it?
Next it's over to Peter Laws, who concludes our three week series on 'Don't Let Doubt Freak You Out'. Tonight he explores those scary times when life makes little to no sense, often referred to as 'The Dark Night of the Soul.'
After that, Peter leads us in a time of prayer and meditation in which you will take on the role of a young Native American child from the tribe of Cherokee. See, I told you you get gold in this podcast.
Then, it's over to the church band who make our ears bleed with the distorted guitar sounds of this week's horror hymn called 'Luminous Darkness'. For who said church hymns should not include ominous words of lament, sometimes.
Finally, Peter wraps up the service but soon after, he meets Flora...who has some distressing news about what Boris Karloff is up to in the toilets. What on earth could it be? Listen in to find out.
Thanks again for coming to our wonderful church on the peak!
PS I'd be might grateful if you could check out the Creepy Cove Patreon Program, to see how you can support the church and become more of a part of The Congregation here...and get a bunch of exclusive extras, too!