Creepy Cove Community Church Podcast

S2 E10 Don't Beat Yourself Up (Full Service feat Count Blacula + Videodrome Prayer and Meditation)

May 15, 2021 Peter Laws Season 2 Episode 10

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'Don't Beat Yourself Up'
Full Service feat Count Blacula + Videodrome Prayer and Meditation
Season Two - Episode Ten

Welcome to the final episode of Creepy Cove, Season Two! We'll be back after a short break, but we leave you with this slightly longer church service, that explores an important lesson in life...'Don't Beat Yourself Up'.

Our church administrator Rupert Donk, starts us sharing some frightening news about what's on the church porch. Then the news turns to more positive fare, when we hear the latest on Rupert's neice...Ellen Ripley. 

Our special guest tonight is none other than Count Dracula...but will he be his usual charming self...or slip into his nasty, bitey mode? And what power will a humble Tortilla Wrap have over him?

We have a Bible reading from Creepy Cove Patron, Juliet...then it's over to Peter to explore tonights topic. Namely...why can we be so quick to (rightfully) call out bullying when we see it...and yet we don't call it out when we are bullying ourselves? Trigger Warning: This talk very briefly mentions sexual abuse, but it doesn't linger on the topic. 

Once Peter's talk is delivered, we have a wierd prayer and meditation time, based on David Cronenbergs mind bending Betamax movie...Videodrome.  Pretty sure this is the first time any church has themed a prayer session on that. 

Then, it's over to the band who perform a new Horror Hymn based on both Videodrome, and the words of Ray Bradbury. 

Finally, Peter has a brief after service chat with Blacula, who wants to make an announcement to the entire congregation...whatever could it be? 

Thanks for coming to Creepy Cove...we love having you. And even though we'll be having a little break, you can stay regularly connected with our Private, members only show...The Peter Laws Podcast. Which comes out every week for members of our Patreon. 

To access that and loads of other stuff, both physical and digital...visit Your support of Patreon allows us to keep the main show free, as well as give Peter Laws the time to actually make it!

Thank you!

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